On Sunday July 12th, we woke up to whining. With 5 dogs this is not uncommon, especially when one is about a year old & is still not making it through the night with out going potty. We realized it was our 10 year old Dallas Star.

All the four legged kids know their place, and knows Dallas is the Queen Bee!!! Shadoe is the alpha male, and is by far Dallas's best friend. In April of 2008, we went to Broken Bow Oklahoma with my parents, rented a cabin and took Dallas & Shadoe along for the weekend. We had a wonderful time and she needed to get away. She loved the ride up, but the cabin has a little hard on her it had hardwood floors throughout. We spend 2 nights and 3 days, although unsure, she was just like a puppy, and she loves being around my dad.
We all had a marvelous time. But, we know they don't live forever, as much as we want them too. Dallas had always been an old soul! On the morning of July 12, after I woke Ray up, we decided we had to make a decision, she was not healthy enough to under go any kind of surgery, I believe she had a 'twisted-gut'. For anyone who does not what this is, it is like a blockage in the colon. We decided we we going to make a phone call to the vets office Monday morning and set up an appt to have Dallas put to sleep. We had always agreed when it came to the dogs, it was quality, not quantity!!! So drank through out the day and seemed to be a little more comfy. We cried when we explained to Logan what we were going to. He did not seem to understand. Then came bed time. When we went to bed, Dallas always slept on my side of the bed. Not this night, she was in the closet on Rays side. We made it through the night, and when I got up at 5:15 the next morning, she was creeping around the house. Then she laid down in the entry way. I gave her some loving, and Logan got up, he too gave her kisses and hugs. I went and woke Ray and told him to come check on her. He sat with her. Talked to her and gave her some loving. He went to the shower, I was in the kitchen packing Logan's lunch when I looked over; she had changed positions. Once Ray got out of the shower, I told him to check her, I did not think she was still with us...and in fact, she had taken her last breath after we had all told her it was okay! Ray had to move her to the front room to get her away from the other dogs. I called the vets office when they opened, they gave me the number to a pet crematorium called Little Angles, he was wonderful. He can that afternoon and picked up our girl. We were told we would have her by Saturday. Logan knew she was going to be in heaven playing ball with Baby Tarzan. (See IMPORTANT NEWS 2/3/08).

She was whining like crazy, I took her outside just me and her, she continued to carry on. I knew I had to go get Ray. Let me tell you about Dallas. I found her for free on yahoo pets in March of 2000. The lady wanted to get rid of her because she was not interested in learning how to do Agility Trials. Dallas is a pet, she had it in her heart from the day she was born that is what she was going to be. Well this woman kept her in a kennel most of the 24 hr day. She has always been Alpha Female, and these people did not know how to deal with that. So they got rid of her. Their loss was our gain...NO DOUBT. We picked her up from Little Elm in mid-March. She took to Ray like she had known her forever! We took her home and she was happy! Ray is a truck driver so we shared custody, if he had to go over the road then she stayed with me...but most of the time she was with her Daddy! One of our fondest memories of her when she was an only child - Ray was coming home from Arkansas, and I was in Terrell at moms, watching Friends on TV. Next thing I know Dallas started pacing then she got all excited, and there was a knock on the door. It was Daddy. We headed to the big truck, it was a condo for those who know what I am talking about. the bottom bunk was made with daddy bedding. She jumped up in that truck like she had been doing it all her life. Then about 3 months later we rocked her world and added Shadoe to our family!!! 
They became the best of friends, we took them to Southfork Ranch, the park on a regular basis, and even to Galveston! Once we moved from the apartment to a house, the road trips slowed because we had a yard, they still got to go. When Dallas was 3 1/2 we added Dakota....This tried her patience!

They became the best of friends, we took them to Southfork Ranch, the park on a regular basis, and even to Galveston! Once we moved from the apartment to a house, the road trips slowed because we had a yard, they still got to go. When Dallas was 3 1/2 we added Dakota....This tried her patience!
Shortly after we got Kota, we found out we were pregnant...So another year later we did it to Dallas again and brought Logan home. She was great with him and he really respected her. Although here is Logan and his doggie.

All the four legged kids know their place, and knows Dallas is the Queen Bee!!! Shadoe is the alpha male, and is by far Dallas's best friend. In April of 2008, we went to Broken Bow Oklahoma with my parents, rented a cabin and took Dallas & Shadoe along for the weekend. We had a wonderful time and she needed to get away. She loved the ride up, but the cabin has a little hard on her it had hardwood floors throughout. We spend 2 nights and 3 days, although unsure, she was just like a puppy, and she loves being around my dad.

I received a call on Thursday morning and she was ready. She was coming home that afternoon. Her ashes were delivered to me at work, and we brought her home. We all had a moment, cried a little, but we know she is not in any pain any more.
She is in a beautiful cedar box with her name, date of birth and date of death on it. She sits in the living room close to the TV where she always loved to be so she could be the center of attention.
She was a joy in our lies for 9 years, and we are very grateful to have had her. But we know she is so happy and comfortable now.
She was truly awesome and I think you served her memory well here. She is greatly missed and was loved dearly.