Monday, February 9, 2009

Birthday Present!!!!

So I got my best birthday present today!!!!


I will not lie I was feeling a little skeptical about it. Only because it does not seem like luck is on my side. So tomorrow I will send it to the doctors office so we can start setting appointments. This is the table of appointments - 2 weeks before the surgery Pre-Op nutrition class, then Pre-Op FAST!!! That is like the slim fast diet, 2 protein shakes then one meal a day. Then 2 days before surgery labs drawn, clinic & hospital visit. The day before surgery LIQUIDS ONLY. Then surgery.

It has been approved, and now hurry up and wait some more!!!! I am so ready for the change this is going to be. The change in my life, I will be able to do more with Logan, and maybe even ice skate more than I did Saturday. We all had a blast. I could not have asked for a better birthday party for Logan!

I will post more tomorrow after TKD, and I have talked to the people at the doctors office!


  1. woo hoo!! That is awesome news!!

  2. Mis let me know what you find out, how quickly do you think the process with get started for appointments? I can't believe you went ice skating, I hadn't been in many many years. I'm sure he had a blast. Can't wait to see pictures

  3. i am so excited and happy for you!!! i can't wait to hear how it all goes!
