Saturday, June 20, 2009
New Pictures!!!!

These were taken today June 20, 2009. I was mowing the yard...Logan took these, he is my little photograper....he is good. So can you see the difference...New Swimsuit size 18...the shorts have not been worn in 3 summers ..... they were too look at them!!!! There is about 4 inches between my hand and my belly.
So this is me with a swim suit on 60 pounds lighter than I was 6 months ago!!!!
I have also attached a picture of the reason I am so dedicated to this!!!!
My boy....I love him so much and he is getting TOO BIG!!!
June 20th
I can't believe it has been so long since I blogged, I did not realize it. Or realize you can be so busy! By the time I get home that last thing I want to do is sit on the computer.
I have some pics of Logan..Not the best, but I am still learning my scanner functions. This was his graduation picture. Aunt Tina & I has pics done of the boys last weekend we are picking them up today, I cant wait to get them...They looked so great. I got an awesome collage for Ray for Fathers day. But then again almost any picture of Logan is awesome. Am I a little bit of an overly proud momma?
We went to Six Flags for a while last weekend. It was so HOT...we got to ride the Tony Hawk. It was fun, and Logan may tall enough for the Texas Giant & Titan. So we will try those this summer, especially the Giant since they are closing it down this year for repairs...go figure filing Bankruptcy and then spending 10 billion dollars to rehab a roller coaster...don't get it..any way...Logan & Rode the Conquistador, and this girl passed out on the ride, so we had to stop the ride she was only 18, it was said she was that scared. But she went to first aid...and hopefully was ok.
We checked in to a modeling/talent search to enter Logan in, we got invited back for the informational seminar. They wanted $700 to get your kid entered in a convention in November to go in front of talent scouts...and it had to be paid that day....or installments...then for each person along with the was $89 to get in to convention. So this would be $900 out of pocket with no me negative if you want...but why not just throw that kind of money away in this economy? So maybe next year....
Lets see...I also had my 2nd fill on Tuesday. only 1cc i think...and I can REALLY tell a difference. It was Friday before I felt hungry, I go back July 28th maybe for another 2cc. That would be 6. SO the question of weight loss....from Jan 2009 (309lbs) to today when I got on the scale in my bathroom June 20 (250)....59 pounds...but can we just call it 60???
I purchased a new swimsuit last weekend. I had not purchased one in 2 years... the last one was a size 28 SWIMDRESS!!!! It was cute, and I liked it, but it was just that a dress!!! The one i purchased last weekend is a Speedo brand with the racer back...needed for support. A size 18...Am i putting to much out here. Well sorry...this is my plan. I have a ton of yard work to do today and will probably be in my my hubby is going to have to take a picture of me in my suit & shorts for my update picture I know it is not what I had been wearing...but that shirt is not as form fitting as it use to be!! TKD is going great...being able to break a sweat again is an awesome feeling...and feeling great while I am doing it.
Keep Lacy in your prayers. She is getting banded on Tuesday June 23rd... She is doing great. I cant wait to go see her and be on this journey with her!
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Begining of Summer
Logan is out of school, he is 'actually a 1st grader with a Mohawk' these are his words. He was promised a Mohawk for the summer if he passed kindergarten, although Mee-Maw cut is more like a flattop, we are fine with that. He did inform me last night that since he has no hair in the back and on the sides, that he can not take a bath, or shower and may not swim because the water will make the hair grow, then Mee-Maw will have to cut it again. Little guys have some great minds. So Tuesday was the Kinder party, it rained here, but they were able to have the the 'beach party' and Logan had a blast!
Thursday was the last day of school, he got out at 1:45, so I took the afternoon off to go get him, he was devastated by the fact he learned his book buddie Jake would not be at Larson next year, that Jake would be in 7th grade. He cried so bad. This hurt me because I was not able to make the hurt go away. When your kids have to learn about these life lessons you know it will make them better in the long run, but while the lesson is being learned it just pulls at your heart. He found Jake's name in the directory and will try to call him. I will not stop him, he really looked up to the book buddies. It is an awesome program the 6th graders get to take part in. So of course, he will be a book buddie when he is in 6th grade. He spent the night at Nana's on Thursday, although Nana was really sick. Papa and Jared took care of him. About 4:00 Nana was taken to the ER, she had a VERY BAD case of strep. Logan stayed a way from her, as he was instructed since we did not know what was wrong. We came home for a quite evening with Dad and some relaxing.
We got Logan down for night, and about 9:45 we went to bed, between the Little Girl Dog bed hog at my feet, and me extremely exhausted husband snoring beside me, I had a hard time falling asleep. About 10:30 Rays' phone was ringing. I listened to him talk and could tell the conversation was not a wrong number, I looked at me phone and noticed, I had a missed call from my mom, at 10:30 at night that is not good. It dawned on me that Ray was talking to mom. I got the phone to receive some sad news. My sisters father-in-law & his wife were killed in a car accident. Some of you may ask why this affects me so bad, here is why, our families have known each other for over 30 yrs! Joe West is a great guy. He and my dad always had fun together. The first time he met Logan is talked to Logan and told him -"You momma was younger that you the first time I met her". So we left the house last night about 11:20 and headed out to Quinlan, we got there about 12:15am, mom, dad, & Tina were there. My BIL is not doing well at all, they have 3 boys, they are dealing with it the best they can. When you have not had to deal with this before, it is hard to know how. Once his younger brother showed up about 2:00am, we decided it was time for us to go so they could be together as a family. I have not spoken to anyone yet this morning. Hopefully they got some sleep. Please keep them in your prayers. We all need it. I do not want to go in to details out of respect for the family. Your prayers are very much appreciated! Love to all.
Thursday was the last day of school, he got out at 1:45, so I took the afternoon off to go get him, he was devastated by the fact he learned his book buddie Jake would not be at Larson next year, that Jake would be in 7th grade. He cried so bad. This hurt me because I was not able to make the hurt go away. When your kids have to learn about these life lessons you know it will make them better in the long run, but while the lesson is being learned it just pulls at your heart. He found Jake's name in the directory and will try to call him. I will not stop him, he really looked up to the book buddies. It is an awesome program the 6th graders get to take part in. So of course, he will be a book buddie when he is in 6th grade. He spent the night at Nana's on Thursday, although Nana was really sick. Papa and Jared took care of him. About 4:00 Nana was taken to the ER, she had a VERY BAD case of strep. Logan stayed a way from her, as he was instructed since we did not know what was wrong. We came home for a quite evening with Dad and some relaxing.
We got Logan down for night, and about 9:45 we went to bed, between the Little Girl Dog bed hog at my feet, and me extremely exhausted husband snoring beside me, I had a hard time falling asleep. About 10:30 Rays' phone was ringing. I listened to him talk and could tell the conversation was not a wrong number, I looked at me phone and noticed, I had a missed call from my mom, at 10:30 at night that is not good. It dawned on me that Ray was talking to mom. I got the phone to receive some sad news. My sisters father-in-law & his wife were killed in a car accident. Some of you may ask why this affects me so bad, here is why, our families have known each other for over 30 yrs! Joe West is a great guy. He and my dad always had fun together. The first time he met Logan is talked to Logan and told him -"You momma was younger that you the first time I met her". So we left the house last night about 11:20 and headed out to Quinlan, we got there about 12:15am, mom, dad, & Tina were there. My BIL is not doing well at all, they have 3 boys, they are dealing with it the best they can. When you have not had to deal with this before, it is hard to know how. Once his younger brother showed up about 2:00am, we decided it was time for us to go so they could be together as a family. I have not spoken to anyone yet this morning. Hopefully they got some sleep. Please keep them in your prayers. We all need it. I do not want to go in to details out of respect for the family. Your prayers are very much appreciated! Love to all.
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